Enter the Kitty

We Didn’t Mean to Do This

Originally, we set out this week to write a blog about the implications of AI as consumer rather than as enabler. You see, we here at Shinka Labs are very much into thinking outside of the box, and extrapolating from present circumstances to what might be in the future, and the idea of Artificial Intelligence playing the role of customer really attracted our attention. So much so that we’ve got a whole lot of notes on the matter that we may or may not get around to assembling sometime soon.

But we didn’t this time, and there’s a reason: we got distracted. In doing the preliminary research for the above article, we necessarily needed to play around with a few AI tools. And when you’re playing around with AI, you often enough come up against some outstandingly interesting things in the near-term, nay, the Now, that you simply can’t ignore.

It Really Is That Interesting

OpenAI is a pretty excellent tool, so we just opted to use that as our sandbox. So we needed to run a few tests. And to run a few tests, we needed some input. So we wrote some Sci-fi tinged quasi-gibberish, not-so-subtly themed after Alien and Blade Runner (imagine it as text being typed across the screen, with audible key clicks):

The year is 2054.

The Quantitative Human Attention Threshold (QHAT, AKA Kitty) has been reached.

The Conglomerate has cannibalized its last resources in the fight against diminishing returns known as Kitty Creep.

The People are supremely entertained, fat and jolly and without any need to lift a finger, and there is no recourse.


We thought this was a good start, so we clicked “submit.”

It’s actually this easy.

Here’s What AI Gave Us

A small group of rebels, led by a mysterious figure known as the White Rabbit, has set about a daring mission to defeat Kitty and restore humanity.

Using cutting-edge technology, the rebels have developed a device known as the Quantum Human Attention Recalibration System (QHARS). The QHARS is a powerful AI-based system that can detect, analyze, and adjust the attention spans of individuals, allowing them to focus on tasks that are more meaningful and rewarding.

The rebels have been working tirelessly to perfect the QHARS and make it available to the public. They are working with a select group of individuals to test and refine the system, with the ultimate goal of liberating the people from the clutches of Kitty.

But they must act fast, as the Conglomerate is determined to stop them at any cost.  Only time will tell if the rebels will be successful in their mission to save humanity. 

The Hero We Didn’t Know We Needed

Thicket Moss in a thicket of moss.

Enter Thicket Moss, a skinburner from the outer reaches of the Garnebula System. Skinburners are trained to detect false positives contributing to Kitty, and seek them out with one goal in mind: destruction. Agent Thicket is the best of the best, and has been sent by The Conglomerate to the nexus of Kitty's power: Earth.

Thicket begins his mission by infiltrating the world's most powerful corporations, learning their secrets, and using them to his advantage. He hacks into their networks, uncovers their vulnerabilities, and creates a master plan to disrupt the flow of Kitty.

Once the plan is set in motion, Thicket begins to systematically disrupt the flow of Kitty, freeing up resources and allowing The Conglomerate to once again gain a foothold in the market.

As the mission progresses, Thicket discovers more about the true purpose of Kitty, and the power it has to shape the future of humanity.

The fate of the world rests in Thicket's hands, and his mission is not without cost. In order to prevent the spread of Kitty, he must make tough decisions and sacrifice whatever is necessary to ensure that the mission is successful. Can he save humanity from its own entertainment, or will Kitty reign supreme?

A New Frontier for Content Production

The above is almost entirely produced by OpenAI, and we’re not exactly sure how to communicate our exaltation. Even without considering the fact that a robot wrote that, the quality of the story thus far is pretty damn high.

And then consider that a robot wrote it. Cyberpunk, eat your heart out.


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