Global IT Firms’ Top 5 Top Uses of AI for Japan Market Entry
We’re Pretty Easy
Exploring ideas while wandering the streets
Prompt: 2 dudes walking like space cowboys down the neon streets of Kabukicho at night in the rain (DALL-E 2)
There’s a whole lot to do for any international firm yet without a presence in the Japanese market to successfully develop one. Our CTO (Aaron) and COO (Matt) have collectively seen over 20 years of nobly optimistic and lamentably unprepared efforts by cocksure orgs from across the globe try their best at getting a foothold here only to fail rather spectacularly.
And, if we’re being honest, at this point this just provides us with a nice hit of schaudenfreude we can chuckle at for a moment before getting back to work with serious clients. As unfortunate a reality as it is, Japan is a market that requires a sizable budget to enter successfully, be you a medical device provider, or a potato chip producer, cosmetics manufacturer, or even a game developer.
Some Pointers
We happily given out advice on how to best attack the Japanese market. Is a confusing space out there for even the best products, and honestly we’re not at all against giving out a helping hand… from time to time. In the past, we’ve assisted with (for example):
Not just translation, but localization
Establishing relationships with partners beyond the transactional
Adjusting expectations to fit long-tail models over more near-term
There are tools and services which have been available for decades that help achieve these goals - which we also provide in house - but the problem has been 2-fold for quite some time:
A worryingly common inability to accept that a market - Japan’s - will play by its own rules, and
Wide-spread cheapness
Market exploration meeting at Roppongi Hills Club, 2023
Which basically means its a rare company that’ll admit its product needs as much work as it probably does to succeed in the Japanese market, and that even the suggestion of costs associated with said tweaks are an egregious offense.
Because of the above sentiments, often enough, the only products that meaningfully make it into Japan are those from the most major of players, and even then its frequently lackluster.
To be sure, this isn’t all the company seeking to enter Japan’s fault; Japan itself could make it a lot easier to attract non-domestic players, but that’s a tall order inn’it.
And so we have this awful cycle that precludes that vast majority of products from even considering going after Japan.
Really, everyone just ends up looking like a bunch of clowns.
But Wait… AI!
But now that we’re in the age of AI, we may have a different situation on our hands. Where most people are scared that AI will steal their jobs, we see the potential for it actually doing the opposite.
You see, before AI, many companies with nascent potential don’t activate because they’re either too cheap or too scared to explore alternatives. Now, AI offers a way for these same companies to get their foot in the door without a major upfront cost, and entice them to go further down the rabbit hole.
Ultimately, it seems reasonable to speculate that this may lead to more business for them, more business for us, and more business for the domestic Japanese market as a whole.
Sound like something you or your organization would want to explore? Great, keep on reading.
The first way to use AI in a bilingual Japanese and English digital marketing strategy is through language translation. AI-powered language translation services can be used to quickly and accurately translate digital marketing content from English to Japanese, or vice versa. This is particularly useful for international IT companies that are looking to enter the Japanese market, as it allows them to communicate their message to a wider audience and reach potential customers who may not be able to understand English. AI-powered translation services can also be used to ensure that the message is correctly translated and that cultural nuances are not lost in the process.
Natural Language Processing
Another way to use AI in a bilingual Japanese and English digital marketing strategy is through natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a branch of AI that is used to understand and interpret human language. This can be used to analyze customer conversations and comments on social media platforms and other online channels, and to gain insights into customer sentiment and preferences. This information can then be used to create a more personalized and effective digital marketing strategy that is tailored to the needs and wants of the target audience.
Automated Customer Service
Automated customer service is another way to utilize AI in a bilingual Japanese and English digital marketing strategy. AI-powered chatbot software can be used to provide customer support in both English and Japanese, allowing international IT companies to respond quickly to customer inquiries and provide assistance in the customer’s native language. This can help to build trust and foster customer loyalty, as customers feel that they are being taken care of in their own language.
Targeted Advertising
Targeted advertising is another effective way to utilize AI in a bilingual Japanese and English digital marketing strategy. AI-powered algorithms can be used to analyze customer data and create highly targeted advertising campaigns that are tailored to the individual customer’s interests and preferences. This can help to ensure that the right message is being delivered to the right person, resulting in increased engagement and conversions.
Content Optimization
Finally, AI can be used to optimize digital marketing content in a bilingual Japanese and English digital marketing strategy. AI-powered algorithms can be used to analyze customer behavior and preferences and to recommend the most effective content for each customer segment. This can help to ensure that the right content is being delivered to the right people at the right time, resulting in increased engagement and conversions.
Give It a Go
In conclusion, AI offers a wide range of capabilities that can be used to create an effective digital marketing strategy for international IT companies that are looking to enter the Japanese market. The five most effective ways to use AI in a bilingual Japanese and English digital marketing strategy are language translation, natural language processing, automated customer service, targeted advertising, and content optimization. By utilizing these AI-powered capabilities, international IT companies can create an effective digital marketing strategy that is tailored to the needs of their target audience and that is capable of reaching potential customers in both Japanese and English.
And, if in doing so, you realize you need some help finishing the last mile of your market entry journey, don’t hesitate to contact us ;)