Japan Seeks Global Partnerships in Innovation and Investment
Since we last chimed in on Japan’s efforts to more constructively engage with AI technologies, there’s been no shortage of updates, which bolsters our enthusiasm, however cautious it may be.

AI Adoption Narrative Moving Quickly in Japan
There’s a well-trodden adage about Japan which posits that the country goes beyond what is typically thought of as reasonable deliberation on the adoption of new policies, but that when it does finally choose to implement a new resolution, it does so with incredible speed and efficiency.

Japan’s Path Towards Meaningful AI Engagement
We’ve been watching the Artificial intelligence (AI) landscape go through its growing pains across the Globe, but particularly in Japan. Its impossible to deny that these newly-released technologies are rapidly changing the landscape of various industries worldwide, transforming how businesses operate, and how governments provide services. Japan is no exception to this trend, as the nation actively seeks to harness the power of AI to boost its economy and maintain competitiveness on the world stage.

ChatGPT VS. The Government of Japan’s Web3 Roadmap
We were excited to see that the Government of Japan released a detailed roadmap of their Web3 plans earlier this week, titled Approach to Improving Web3.0 Business Environment From token economies to the foundation of Society5.0. We’re still digesting the whole thing - its pretty long at 76 pages - but wanted to get something over to you, lovely readers, asap.

Shinka Labs x Creative Tokyo Event Review
After a few months of planning, Shinka Labs’ founder and CTO Aaron Randall spoke to the public about the opportunities that Shinka Labs sees in Japan’s aging, and failing, IT sector. The event was put together by Creative Tokyo and was hosted at Monstar Lab in Shibuya, Tokyo.