VC: Not As Rock & Roll As You Think?

VC: Not As Rock & Roll As You Think?

A big part of our work here at Shinka Labs is to explore alternative approaches to nascent products and services in the wide world of IT. Sometimes, it results in a hit; others, a miss. But our goal isn’t necessarily to be calling the shots on the big bucks all the time. Rather, we’re interested in understanding the framework in which all of these activities function in order to determine best practice depending upon circumstance.

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Global IT Firms’ Top 5 Top Uses of AI  for Japan Market Entry

Global IT Firms’ Top 5 Top Uses of AI for Japan Market Entry

There’s a whole lot to do for any international firm yet without a presence in the Japanese market to successfully develop one. Our CTO (Aaron) and COO (Matt) have collectively seen over 20 years of nobly optimistic and lamentably unprepared efforts by cocksure orgs from across the globe try their best at getting a foothold here only to fail rather spectacularly.

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